Housing Needs Survey – Major/Large Projects
The estimated $30b worth of projects in hydrogen power, water supply, port development and renewable energy projects alongside critical mineral mining in the region is predicted to require 25,000 construction jobs and 5,000 ongoing. These investments have prompted the need to get more detailed information on current housing needs and those during the various phases of the projects in an already pressured housing market.
The Spencer Gulf Cities (SGC) Mayors have joined with Tactic, RESA and the 3 RDAs in the Region to seek information on the critical housing needs of these major and large projects.
The survey seeks to identify current operational challenges and projected needs against timelines for each phase of the respondent’s projects:
- predicted workforce numbers
- housing requirements for various workers
- information on the nature of housing required
- preparedness of proponents to work with housing providers through leasing/rental agreements
or direct investment in builds etc.
The SGC Mayors, along with the survey partners, are keen to gain the best current and forward
projections available at this time to support housing delivery in the region to ensure projects can
proceed in a planned and suitable fashion.
The survey will be released to over 71 project proponents with a return date for response by late February.
Mayor Leon Stephens, Chair of the SGC Group, said “the information gained from this survey was critical to current operational activities, securing these projects and ensuring that responses were passed on to councils, government and potential housing developers in a timely fashion. To support the planning processes going forward the collaboration between the project partners was critical and we appreciate the support of Tactic, RESA and our 3 RDAs in developing and promoting responses to the survey among project proponents.”
“The Housing Advisory Group, formed under the Upper Spencer Gulf Intergovernmental Group by the SGC and the State Government, will be better informed to guide future decisions. This Group involves representatives from Renewal SA – Office of Regional Housing, SAHA, the SGC Council CEOs and is chaired by the Chief Executive of the Department for Trade and Investment”. The group can also access other stakeholders as needed as they progress their work”, Mayor Stephens said.
The formation of this Housing Advisory Group is a starting point in achieving key outcomes sought by the SGC in their Regional Partnerships Priorities document, adopted in September 2022 following extensive
consultation with key stakeholders in the region:
In commenting about their support for the release of the survey, the partners said:
Bill Vandepeer (Chair, RDA Yorke and Mid North) on behalf of the three RDAs:
“Housing supply is critical to the growth and liveability of the communities of the Upper Spencer Gulf. An approach that considers the collective need of industry and existing communities is needed to understand the aggregate demand for housing, so our organisations are pleased to be supporting this initiative.”
RESA CEO, Jodie Badcock:
“Access to suitable accommodation is consistently raised as a barrier to attracting and retaining skilled workers in regions. Understanding demand is critical to informing housing solutions.”
Tactic CEO, Louise Foote:
“Supporting solutions that enable the pipeline of major projects to come to fruition allows Tactic to foster opportunities for local suppliers. Tactic is happy to support the connection between major projects in the region and this important piece of work.”
Contact: Wendy Campana Mob: 0417 861 783
Mayor Leon Stephens Mob: 0417 080 961