Upper Spencer Gulf Common Purpose Group
Press Releases
Minister Koutsantonis chairs his first USG Intergovernmental Group Meeting
The new chair of the Upper Spencer Gulf Intergovernmental Group (USGIG), Minister Koutsantonis (representing the Premier) had his first…
Read MoreNew Chair of the USGIG
The Spencer Gulf Cities (SGC) Mayors welcome the State Government’s appointment of Minister Tom Koutsantonis, Minister for Infrastructure and…
Read MoreSGC Mayors meet to Review Regional Partnership Priorities
The Spencer Gulf Cities (SGC) Mayors met on Tuesday 23 July to review and update its RegionalPartnership Priorities last…
Read MoreUpper Spencer Gulf – Children & Young People
SGC Mayors ask – what more can we do to support our children and young people? The Spencer Gulf…
Read MoreCommunity Economic Summits – Welcomed
The Spencer Gulf Cities (SGC) Mayors welcome the visit from the Premier and key Cabinet Ministers to the region…
Read MoreHousing Needs Survey – Major/Large Projects
The estimated $30b worth of projects in hydrogen power, water supply, port development and renewable energy projects alongside critical…
Read MoreSGC Annual Report 2023/24
SGC works collaboratively across all levels of government, industry, and community and with other regional local government associations across South Australia, with Regional Development Australia organisations in the region and with the South Australian Region Organisation of Councils (SAROC).
A key focus for SGC remains on establishing and utilising strong intergovernmental relationships, recognising the importance of the region to the state economy and achievement of key state targets.
The Upper Spencer Gulf Primed for Growth
The Upper Spencer Gulf region has, for decades, been a significant economic contributor to South Australia and the nation, through its natural mineral resources and industrial outputs.
This document showcases opportunities for current and future investors, and all industry sectors, to benefit from the region’s evolution. There has never been a better time to live, work and invest in the Upper Spencer Gulf, and I encourage all to come and be part of its exciting future.
Major and Large Projects - Critical Housing Needs
A collaboration between various industry and local government partners has resulted in the Spencer Gulf Cities (SGC) initiating a survey of the major projects proposed for the Upper Spencer Gulf region that was conducted in late February 2024.
The survey captured information on current needs and how these needs are being met along with the potential needs during various phases of the projects (Planning, Early Construction, Mid-Construction, Near Completion) and then Ongoing Needs.
Spencer Gulf Cities Regional Partnership Priorities September 2022
Spencer Gulf Cities and its member councils recognise the significant economic potential of the region as well as the need to increase the economic enabling capacity of the region to capitalise on that potential. The purpose of this document is to align our advocacy efforts and collective resources to key priority actions and outcomes that can increase the capacity of the region (economic, social and environmental) to support forecast growth (currently estimated at $15billion investment and 9000 jobs).
Transforming the Upper Spencer Gulf
This report aims to capitalise and build on the strengths of the Upper Spencer Gulf, and lead the region’s transformation towards a competitive, vibrant and self-reliant economy and community.
Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy
The Upper Spencer Gulf Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy (Strategy) is a document that sets what the region is aiming to achieve and the framework for managing waste and resources over the next 5 years. The Strategy also provides background information on the drivers, and guiding principles that support the development of the Strategy’s objectives and opportunities.