About the Upper Spencer Gulf Common Purpose Group

The Upper Spencer Gulf Common Purpose Group (trading as ‘Spencer Gulf Cities’) was incorporated in 1998 as a forum for the regional cities of Port Pirie, Port Augusta and Whyalla 1998 to share information, jointly implement initiatives, provide a united voice and work with Government, industry and other stakeholders in the interest of improving the long term sustainability of the region.

Our focus is to provide a strong, united voice and advocacy for the Upper Spencer Gulf; facilitate stronger collaboration and operating efficiencies across the three Councils and: support the economic transition of the Upper Spencer Gulf to cleaner, more innovative, liveable and economically diverse regional cities by:

  • Realising our potential in storage-based renewable energy generation and new technology testing; value-adding and innovation in agriculture and arid-smart technologies; advanced manufacturing in minerals processing; event, cultural and marine tourism; and defence.
  • Improving higher education, skills and research capabilities in our region to support these emerging sectors.
  • Strategic infrastructure to improve our role as a transport intermodal hub, including expanding existing, under-utilised port facilities in Port Pirie and Whyalla and an alternative national highway crossing of the gulf at Port Augusta.
  • Strengthening the role of Pt Pirie, Whyalla and Pt Augusta as regional service centres and improving community confidence and city liveability through facility upgrades; mainstreet redevelopment and activation; and improved buffer zones between heavy industry and city centres.

Spencer Gulf Cities is owned by the Port Augusta, Whyalla and Port Pirie Councils and governed by a board comprising:

Mayor Leon Stephens

Mayor Leon Stephens

Port Pirie Regional Council
SGC Board Chair
Peter Ackland

Peter Ackland

Port Pirie Regional Council
Mayor Phillip Stone

Mayor Phillip Stone

Whyalla City Council
SGC Board Member
Justin Commons

Justin Commons

Whyalla City Council
Mayor Linley Shine

Mayor Linley Shine

Port Augusta City Council
SGC Board Member
John Banks CEO

John Banks

Port Augusta City Council
Wendy Campana

Wendy Campana

Executive Officer
Spencer Gulf Cities