Minister Koutsantonis chairs his first USG Intergovernmental Group Meeting
The new chair of the Upper Spencer Gulf Intergovernmental Group (USGIG), Minister Koutsantonis (representing the Premier) had his first meeting with the Mayors/CEOs and Local regional MPs in Whyalla on 4 December.
With $30b of projects, 25,000 workers during construction and over 5,000 jobs ongoing in the region over the next 10 years a key role for the Group is to focus on strategic priority issues to support the delivery of these projects.
Key issues discussed at the meeting were:
- Progress with the Master Plans and Regional Plans impacting on the Councils
- Update from the Housing and Workforce & Skills Advisory Groups – reporting to the USGIG
- Water and sewer challenges in the region
- Update on progress with the Hydrogen Jobs Plan and Northern Water Projects
- Proposed State Co-ordination and Facilitation Act
The next meeting is planned for late January 2025.
“The Upper Spencer Gulf is an incredibly important and significant region for South Australia.
It is the engine room of the Malinauskas Labor Government’s State Prosperity Project, and I was delighted to chair this meeting of the stakeholders who will help steer the future growth of the region”, said Minister Koutsantonis.
Port Pirie Mayor Leon Stephens said that, “the meeting was a great opportunity to gain an update on work that has been underway through the advisory groups and within the State Government. A key issue for us all will be to make sure we keep a line of sight on the economic, social and environmental implications of the growth in our region. It’s great that we have planned to meet again in January, this will keep the momentum going”.
“Sitting around the table with the Minister (who is also a member of the USG and Hyrdrogen Sub Committee of Cabinet) ensures that we are receiving up to date information and can ask questions and put issues forward, through Minister Koutsantonis, to government which is extremely valuable. I look forward to further discussions as we work in partnership with the State Government and, where appropriate, the Federal Government. Success for our region will only come when we all work together and keep our communities updated on progress and challenges that will no doubt confront us as these projects continue to progress”, said Port Augusta Mayor Linley Shine.
Whyalla Mayor Phill Stone said “we are already seeing the impacts of growth through the various projects in our Councils. Some of the priority issues emerging are housing availability, suitable water infrastructure to meet demand and making sure we have a workforce in the short and long term to support projects. Having this Group as the vehicle to put a spotlight on these issues is important to ensure the success of these projects”.

Mayor Leon Stephens Mob: 0417 080 961
Mayor Linley Shine Mob: 0419 423 777
Mayor Phill Stone Mob: 0491 276 764
Wendy Campana Mob: 0417 861 783