Upper Spencer Gulf Businesses explore opportunities in Defence Supply Chain

Around twenty Upper Spencer Gulf businesses recently took part in a two day visit to Adelaide to meet key contractors and operators in the Defence Industry supply chain.

The visit was coordinated by Alex Todd from RDA in Whyalla, in conjunction with Defence SA, Defence Teaming Centre and Spencer Gulf Cities.

Company representatives from Aquest Electrical, Gadaleta Steel Fabrication, Liberty OneSteel, Haylock Marine Services, Hood Sweeney, Max Cranes, Ottoway Engineering, Sudel Industries, Wallbridge Gilbert Aztec and Whyalla Hose & Fitting all participated in the event, along with Regional Development Australia, Whyalla Council and Spencer Gulf Cities.

The program included meetings with representatives from Defence SA, Defence Teaming Centre, ICNSA, Navantia, Naval Group, CDIC, Hood Sweeney, APC Technologies, Broadspectrum, LendLease, BAE Systems and CPB Contractors.

Delegates also participated in a site visit to the Techport/Australian Naval Industries and ASC Defence shipbuilding facility at Port Adelaide.

Alex Todd explained the visit was aimed at helping Upper Spencer Gulf businesses better understand the specific requirements of potential Defence Industry customers and make connections with other Defence supply chain businesses and promote USG supply chain capability.

“Fostering stronger links between Upper Spencer Gulf enterprises and Northern Adelaide’s Defence Industries has been identified as a key step to leverage the formative Defence capabilities in the region”, said Alex.

As part of the program, Defence Teaming Centre and Spencer Gulf Cities hosted an evening networking event which was well attended by over 100 representatives from the Upper Spencer Gulf, Adelaide based Defence supply chain companies and key Defence agencies. Spokesperson for the delegation, Stephen Young from Ottoway Engineering said the visit provided great insight into the Defence supply chain and reinforced the potential for the Upper Spencer Gulf.

“To see and hear first-hand the opportunities coming up in Defence in the years ahead and importantly, finding out what our Upper Spencer Gulf businesses need to do to join the supply chain was a great experience”, said Stephen.

“There was a lot of discussion amongst the group to see how they can work together to become ‘Defence Ready’. The requirements are quite comprehensive in terms of technology, communications, equipment, financials, infrastructure, personnel, quality control, safety and project management systems.”

“If we can keep building our capabilities, there are some great long-term opportunities ahead.

We have the potential to develop a really solid Defence cluster in the Upper Spencer Gulf.”

Contact: Stephen Young, Ottoway Engineering – 82122929
Anita Crisp, Spencer Gulf Cities – 0427 609 404